I'm in shock right now. They were supposed to give me a well check yesterday and the person that called me did not leave a voicemail they slammed down the phone.
Real professional behavior. 😥😲😏
Okay then.
I'm thinking about calling the intake office and telling them I need to go to a different branch. They have two other iops at their establishment. In case you don't know what IOP is guys IOP is intensive outpatient program.
I've been going for the past 5 months and grown very tired of being emotionally abused by the food workers.
No one's taking me seriously there even though I've spoken about it several times.
They keep telling me not to let it bother me that's so old school I can't believe it. All this knowledge about emotional abuse and they're playing blissfully ignorant on me.
I'm still not quite ready to have Zoom meetings here yet but I'll definitely let you all know when.
I think I'll unpin it.
At least till I'm ready to do it I think I need to do some practice runs so I can get the feel of it.
I'm just in shock right now. I could just go to 12 step meetings. I'm having trouble finding in person meetings that are stable. I'm also finding out that one of the major alano clubs in my city has probably shut down because their website got deleted.
I got advised by someone online to go to those meetings because at least they're free and I'm familiar with them.
In my behavioral module I'm dealing with an addiction and I do think I would find them helpful again.
But I'm trying to gear up to looking for a place that's stable and not messed up from covid.
Meaning closed down or not stable with their funding or their attendance.
I really need something I can depend on right now.
I need to keep my schedule going.
I can have 3 hours of study here at home but it's a little difficult because the neighbors are noisy and there's been workmen coming over here to work on the plumbing and that's been pretty noisy too. I wanted to go and visit my girlfriend tonight but she can't have guests inside her home so I visit her outside and it's too cold still. There's a storm coming again.
Oh gy...
I'll be online off and on here.
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