Five minutes and I'm out... Be safe.
Many of us talk about self-esteem and learning how to love ourselves. I think there are three parts very important parts for self-esteem:
1. We need to learn to be kind of ourselves and we learn how to do that when others are kind of us earlier in life. When that doesn't happen we don't like ourselves very much.
2. We need to learn to tolerate ourselves and realize that we have both good and bad in ourselves.
3. We need to realize that there is good in everyone even if we don't think so. We may not see it but it does exist and others have just chosen to use their power for evil.
Humanity is like a brain. It is made up of humans; the humans are the cells. When we hurt each other, those parts of the brain die, or, are damaged.
Learning to be kind to ourselves and others is what will heal humanity and generate self-esteem!
Each time a chat is online you'll see a red circle (๐ด) on the thread title. That means I'm online and open to live chat on the thread.
I think what I'm going to do with the chats from now on is I'm not going to delete the chats I'm just going to change the title to check in and just leave it up unpinned. I'll leave the thread open for replies too.
Codependent people are often drawn to people who believe they are entitled.
Hope everybody is safe. I'm just about well enough to go visit my girlfriend I just did that it was so good to get out of the house finally. The Uber driver that drove me home though had a cold and he wasn't wearing a mask. Yuck.
I can hardly wait to catch a third cold.